Is black the right colour for your curtains?

Choosing the right colour for your curtains is one of the most important decisions you can make about your home decor. One option you may not have considered is black, but in fact, black curtains can have many advantages over softer colours.


Firstly, black can be the ideal solution for bedrooms, as they can help you sleep better. You do not need full blackout curtains to block out the light (although this will certainly help if you are having trouble sleeping). Any black fabric can help to keep the room dark and give you a good night's sleep, even if it is still light outside or your bedroom is near a streetlight.

Conversely, if you use sheer fabrics, black curtains can actually allow more light in than their white counterparts. Sheer black curtains absorb the glare that reduces visibility. If you want sheer curtains so you can see the view outside, black is a much better option than white.

Other Rooms

Their light-absorbing properties mean that black curtains can also be a good option for a home cinema or television room. Not only will less light enter the room so that reflections will not appear on the screen, but the curtains will not reflect the light from the screen around the room. The result is that your screen will appear much brighter and will be the true focus of the room.

Heat Absorption

As well as absorbing light, black curtains have the added bonus of absorbing heat. This will be a particular benefit in the summer months, as they will help to keep your home cool and will reduce the amount of sunlight that would otherwise heat up your home and potentially damage your furnishings. They should therefore help to reduce your air conditioning bills as well as your carbon footprint.

Remember also that if you find black to be a bit too forbidding, you can always tone it down a little by contrasting it with another colour such as white or gold. This can produce a striking art deco effect that can look stylish and modern. You can also use a fabric with patterns in it which can help to prevent the room from becoming overpowered by the dark curtains.

In summary, black curtains can be a striking statement, especially in rooms that get too much light. If you think this might be the colour for you, your stockist will be able to advise on the right shade or pattern.
